This is FANTASTIC! I look forward to sharing this marvelous journey with you…”day by day”…MUCH LOVE, as always!

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Thank you, Joy! Your support means a lot. Of course, don't be surprised if you appear in these pages in the not too distant future!

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So looking forward to this collection, and to what it spurs in me. This year I turn seventy, and the “old” label is hitting me in a harder way than before. Most likely this is because in the pst three years I have lost more of my mentors than in any other time before. I’m asking deeply those questions about how many more years are there? My father’s 73? My mother’s 92? My grandmother’s 99? There is so much more I want to do. Your series will be both a comfort and a challenge and I look forward to both.

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Lisa, that's what got me thinking about this too. During the course of writing Accidental Mentors, I lost three of the people I was writing about! I wanted to publish before any more didn't get to see what I wrote about them. I'm glad to hear it's both a comfort and a challenge. That's exactly what I was hoping!

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