I don't know if you all were at St. Vincent's during that time, but I never noticed that your mom and dad didn't receive communion. I know a little something about how they must've felt. One Sunday (I was in my mid-teens) Father Bujarski passed me over at the communion rail. I learned shortly thereafter (from him) that he had refused to serve me communion because I had combed my hair down over my forehead, mop-top/Beatlesque style. It was nothing compared to the distress your mom and dad must've felt, but I was mortified...! That was undoubtedly a contributing factor in the end of my faith in the catholic church.

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Oh, to be smothered by little baby chicks!!! 🐣🐤🐥

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Oh, what a great ending, a mystery starting to unravel chapter by chapter. The way you write draws me in.

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Ah!! I see why you were focused on a particular aspect of the piece I published today! Plus, I loved all the farm imagery. Babe, and her place sound awesome.

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