It figures, doesn’t it? Today, I wrote about one of the most technologically sophisticated of all of my Accidental Mentors, Amy, and wouldn’t you know it, I screwed up sending it out! In fact, not only did you receive it twice, but you received two slightly different versions!
So, this morning you got a glimpse into the slight bit of anxiety I feel every morning waiting for my scheduled posts to arrive. I always schedule them to go out at 8:27 am, so when I hadn’t received today’s post by 9 am, I figured something happened to it, and, in my anxiety, I resent it. To make matters worse, never satisfied, I made a couple small revisions before I sent it. That means you get to see my editing process live and up close!
However, do me a favor and read the second post you received with the subtitle: ”Amy models what it means to be a woman in top leadership positions,” (don’t you agree that’s better?) and disregard the first.
Oh, what a morning!