Sometimes my job is exactly what I need to restore hope in my heart. I know I’m fortunate to be able to say that. For many people, work is the last place they expect to find hope. But for me, I find hope in nights like tonight. My organization, Living Legacy Project, hosted a benefit concert called “Harmonizing for Justice.” Over the course of 90 minutes, we heard from six amazing singer/songwriters and storytellers who are on the cutting edge of justice music: Reggie Harris, Pat Wictor, Melanie DeMore, Matt Watroba, Kim Harris, and the incredible storyteller, Sheila Arnold. What a gift they are to all of us!
Each one of these wonderful performers offered inspirational songs and stories because they know that every social justice movement needs music, and they are making sure that we have music to inspire us today. I encourage you to add their music to your 2025 playlist. You won’t be disappointed.
One of those songs, Lead with Love, written by Melanie DeMore, has become a widely sung anthem that we all need in our heads in the days to follow. It’s certainly in mine.
Enjoy this video of The VocalEssence Chorus, Ensemble Singers, Singers of This Age, and Vintage Voices led by soloist Melanie DeMore singing Lead with Love earlier this year. Save this to your YouTube Favorites so you can return to it again and again—whenever you need hope.
Today’s Reflection
Research musicians and storytellers who are singing songs and telling stories designed to inspire us today. Start with Reggie Harris, Pat Wictor, Melanie DeMore, Matt Watroba, Kim Harris, and Sheila Arnold, add Cry Matthews, Greg Greenway, Holly Near, and whoever else who inspires you. Create a 2025 playlist that will keep you going even in the most difficult times. I’d love it if you’d share it with me.
With hope in my heart,
🎶🥰🎶 Thank you. I needed that tonight.