In late June, two young boys, Adam and Andrew, grandnephews of my Accidental Mentor Regina, gave me a present of two tiny pots with sunflowers they had grown from seed. At the time they gave them to me, six or seven wobbly spouts, each about three or four inches high, dotted the hand painted and decorated pots. I wish I had taken a picture of them then. But here is one of them today.
Two other plants survived and should bloom in the next few days.
To me this is pure magic—to grow this kind of beauty from a tiny black seed. Because of the boys’ loving kindness and gentle care, beauty graces the world.
They too will grow into beautiful young men who will grace the world with their inner and outer beauty. I treasure their gift!
I’ll be back with the few remaining Accidental Mentors posts starting tomorrow. In the meantime, if you’re in the path of Idalia, please stay safe.
Both learning the satisfaction of watching something grow! Also learning about caring for someone❤️